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or all chefs, including pastry chefs, to rise by a rate of 10.7 percent in Portland between 2011 and 2018. The department considers this to be ab out average, as compared to general employment growth in the area. What effect this will have on pastry chef salaries in the area is not complete ly clear. However, according to the 2010 StarChefs annual salary survey, the average chef salaries reflected by the Oregon Employment Departments survey match up with average pastry chef salaries nationwide. Between 2004 and 2010, national pastry chef salaries have experienced only minor f dxf 3d models luctuations, so its reasonable to assume the same will hold true for the foreseeable future. Considerations According to Portlands official websi te, the city has been designated Americas Best Eating Destination by the Food Network. Portland is the largest city in Oregon, is located near th poesie le printemps victor hugo e U.S. border with Canada and receives sizable tourist traffic. The citys diversity of cuisines and reputation for good food may allow you room t .

ve to a new city, they cant tell you all you need to know. Portland is a large city and is more expensive to live in than a small town might be. However, like many other cities in the United States, your pastry chef salary will go farther there than in New York City. For a current comparis on of pastry chef salaries between where you currently live and Portland, consult CNNMoneys Cost of Living Calculator. This handy tool not only s hows you the overall difference in cost of living prices, but also breaks down that information to show what youll spend on groceries, housing, u curly cursive fonts tilities and more. This can help you make an informed decision about whether any pastry chef salary youre considering is worth moving.Equipment F or Personal Use If you borrow equipment from your employer for personal use, it will expect the equipment to be returned, or it may seek legal ac poesie le printemps victor hugo tion to recover the equipment or its cost. Your employer will need to follow the appropriate state laws concerning your paycheck, and may have to .

your employer's equipment as part of your job, and it could become damaged through normal use. If so, your employer will probably not be able to withhold money from your paycheck to replace the equipment. If you damaged the equipment through willful negligence, your employer will need to follow employment law with regards to payroll, and may not be able to withhold this money. However, separate civil and criminal action could be t aken, and you could potentially be terminated for your lack of judgement. Permission Given Generally, your employer may only withhold money from birthday balloon icons your paycheck if you have given the employer written permission to do so. Examples of this would be withholding for income taxes or employee bene fits packages. Even if you give an employer permission to withhold pay from a final paycheck to pay outstanding charges due, this agreement may n poesie le printemps victor hugo ot be legally enforceable. Your state's wage and hour division or department of labor can assist you if you believe money was withheld improperly .

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