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the median hourly rate was 49.66. San Antonio and Houston The average annual salary of a human resources manager in San Antonio was 102,830 pe r year, or 49.44 per hour, according to the BLS, as of May 2010. The median hourly rate was 45.41. Houston human resources managers earned an a verage of 116,780 per year, or 56.14 per hour. The median hourly rate was 52.13. Dallas, Austin and El Paso Dallas average salary for human re sources managers, as of May 2010, according to the BLS, was 121,210 per year, or 58.27 per hour. The median hourly rate was 52.15. Austins ave 3d max landscape models rage salary was 123,870 per year, or 59.55 per hour. The median hourly rate was 50.82. El Paso human resources managers earned significantly l ess than the state average at 87,480 per year, or 42.06 per hour. The median hourly rate was 40.28.Salary Basics When you take a job as a sala poesie la mouche de raymond queneau ried employee, your employer agrees to pay you a stated amount of money per pay period instead of an hourly wage. For example, you might receive .

st 455 per week. You arent guaranteed this minimum salary if you re non-exempt, but you are covered by FLSA minimum wage and overtime regulation s. Exempt Employees An exempt salaried employee must get the same base salary amount each payday even if she does not work the expected number of hours. This means an exempt employee will be paid for snow days and other missed work. Employers can require an exempt employee to make up the t ime if necessary. For example, if you are an exempt employee of a manufacturing firm, you might have to work on a Saturday because the company ne dxf 3d models eds to make up for production lost due to a snow day. Non-Exempt Employees When you are a non-exempt salaried employee, your employer must specif y the number of hours per week you are expected to work. The FLSA does not require your employer to pay you your full salary amount if you work l poesie la mouche de raymond queneau ess than the expected number of hours. Some state laws do mandate payment of the full salary amount even if you miss work. In other states, an em .

hourly rate is obtained by dividing your salary amount by the number of hours you are expected to work. Suppose you receive 600 per week for 40 hours. Your regular hourly rate is 600/40 hours, or 15 per hour. When your salary amount is reduced due to missed work, your employer multipli es the regular hourly rate by the work hours missed and deducts the result from your normal salary for the pay period.Roustabouts Roustabouts may move pipes, repair machinery, dig drainage ditches or clean up spilled oil. Their position typically requires at least a high school diploma and curvy fonts photoshop perhaps some college classes. The ONetOnline.org website, affiliated with the Bureau of Labor Statistics, reports that the median 2009 annual sa lary was 31,840, or 15.16 per hour. Rotary Drill Operators Rotary drill operators set up and operate different types of drills for natural gas poesie la mouche de raymond queneau exploration and extraction. Their positions also do not necessarily require any college education, although some employers may require some colle .

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